About the Mastercard Foundation
The Mastercard Foundation is a registered Canadian charity and one of the largest
foundations in the world. It works with visionary organizations to advance education
and financial inclusion to enable young people in Africa and Indigenous youth in Canada
to access dignified and fulfilling work. Established in 2006 through the generosity
of Mastercard when it became a public company, the Foundation is an independent
organization separate from the company, with offices in Toronto, Kigali, Accra, Nairobi,
Kampala, Lagos, Dakar, and Addis Ababa. Its policies, operations, and program decisions
are determined by the Foundation’s Board of Directors and leadership.
For more information about the Mastercard Foundation, please visit mastercardfdn.org.
About ALADI (Africa Leadership And Dialogue Institute)
The Africa Leadership and Dialogue Institute (ALADI) is a platform dedicated to African stories, perspectives, and conversations focused on growing knowledge and enhancing leadership and influence across the continent and globally. ALADI is committed to the development of a prosperous Africa rooted in dignity for all, and shaping a more equitable world.
For more information about ALADI, please visit africaladi.org.